Research & Development
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Regulation of Potato Dormancy
The term "dormancy" is frequently used to describe a potato's storability. The dormancy value, often known as the length of dormancy, indicates how long the potato will be stored before sprouting.
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) Genotyping in Plant Biotechnology
Mankind, in his quest to improve food quality, has been looking for various forms of crop. Plant breeders and farmers have created new varieties through traditional plant breeding in which the selection and evaluation of the new varieties can take several years to achieve.
Protected Farming: Embrace Mainstream Export Market Potential ACI Agribusiness 7th Apr 2022 on Editorials
The total vegetable export from Bangladesh was USD118.73 million in FY20-21 (Source: Export Promotion Bureau). The major destinations of these exports are UAE, Malaysia, UK and Qatar
Health Benefits of Gluten: A Source of Scope of Transcriptomes Analysis in Modern Agricultural Biotechnology
The present world population of 7.3 billion people is expected to increase to 9.7 billion by 2050. Global food consumption is increasing due to rapid population increase. Furthermore, contemporary challenges to global food security include global climate change, environmental degradation, drought, new illnesses, and saline soils.
Health Benefits of Gluten: A Source of Protein
Cereal grains play a vital role in a healthy diet. One benefit is that they’re great sources of protein, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, magnesium, iron, folic acid, and minerals. Proteins are very large molecules composed of amino acids.
Innovative Technologies to Meet the Demand for Animal Protein
ACI Agribusinesses are committed to working for the development and prosperity of country's livestock. Therefore, various innovative technologies are served, such as Robotic Vaccination, Dairy Vaccination, Animal Pharmaceuticals, Advanced Calf Health Management, Reproductive Health Management, Animal Genetics, Diagnostic Laboratory and Clinics. ACI Agribusinesses work with Complete Cattle, Poultry and Aqua value chain so that they can provide mod