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Innovative Technologies to Meet the Demand for Animal Protein

ACI Agribusinesses are committed to working for the development and prosperity of country's livestock. Therefore, various innovative technologies are served, such as Robotic Vaccination, Dairy Vaccination, Animal Pharmaceuticals, Advanced Calf Health Management, Reproductive Health Management, Animal Genetics, Diagnostic Laboratory and Clinics. ACI Agribusinesses work with Complete Cattle, Poultry and Aqua value chain so that they can provide modern technology to the livestock sector, ensure economic development and meet the demand for animal protein.

New Zealand is a leading exporter of quality dairy products, despite the fact that their cattle population is a quarter of Bangladesh's. We have to work on breeding development, technology implementation, food quality, farm management and bio-security. Besides, we have to take measures for embryo transfer and sex semen for better breeding. We must improve our Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR). In our country, 1 kg of beef can be produced by consuming 12 kg of food, but the "Belgian Blue" breed produces 1 kg of meat by eating 4-5 kg of food. It is possible to get 2.5 tons of meat in two years from one cow. It is necessary to think very dynamically about developing new breeds in order to add new ones to our list. Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) is also very important for fish and poultry industries.

The consumption of dairy products has increased 5 times, the consumption of meat has increased 6 times and the consumption of eggs has increased 3 times in the last 10 years. Bangladesh has become self-sufficient in fish, meat and egg production. But our dairy industry needs more attention. Private sector along with scientists and farmers is working to become self-sufficient in milk production. Bangladesh Dairy Farmers Association is protecting the interests of the farmers, through which new entrepreneurs are being created.

Online platforms such as Khamari, Rupali, and Sonali are developed so that farmers can sell their products through forward linkage. This service will be expanded on a massive scale. ACI Agribusinesses are working tirelessly to assist farmers in the competitive market. Moreover, they help entrepreneurs to make their mark in the emerging market of modern agriculture.

Dr. F H Ansarey
ACI Agribusinesses Division