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স্বপ্ন’র আরও একটি আউটলেট গুলশানে
৫ মে, ২০১৭। দেশের ১ নাম্বার ও বৃহত্তম সুপারস্টোর রিটেইল চেইন স্বপ্ন’র ৬০তম আউটলেটের যাত্রা শুরু হলো ১০৬ গুলশান এ্যাভিনিউ এর হোসনা সেন্টারে। আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে নতুন এই আউটলে


Bayer CropScience Ltd. partners with ACI Ltd. for hybrid rice seed distribution
Bayer CropScience Ltd., a Germany based leading agri-input company in Bangaldesh, has joined hands with ACI Ltd., a local leader in agribusiness, for improving rice yields in Aman season. Bayer and ACI will distribute ‘Arize® Dhani Gold’, a hybrid rice variety from Bayer for Aman season, simultaneously in Bangladesh through their distribution channel.
Yamaha Presents Tree Plantation Campaign “Plants for Future” (PFF) organized by NSUEC
Earth Club of North South University (NSUEC) successfully organised their tree plantation campaign for the first time, Yamaha Presents “Plants for Future” (PFF) on December 11-12, 2016. Earth Club planted around 85 saplings on NSU campus. The main purpose of this event was to bring a sustainable solution to air pollution and make Dhaka greener than before.


Mr. M Anis Ud Dowla, Chairman, ACI Ltd. Speaks at DIU Industry Academia Lecture Series on Entrepreneurship Development
To encourage the young generation especially the students of Daffodil International University towards the journey of making a successful stakeholders Innovation and Incubation Center (IIC) of Daffodil International University (DIU) organized “DIU Industry Academia Lecture Series on Entrepreneurship Development” today on October 08, 2016 at DIU Auditorium.
ACI to market YAMAHA brand bikes in Bangladesh
ACI Motors Limited, a subsidiary of ACI Limited, inked a deal with Yamaha Motor Group on distributorship of YAMAHA motorcycle and its spare parts for marketing in Bangladesh. Rajib Noor, Assistant Product Manager of ACI Motors, Subrata Ranjan Das, Business Director of ACI Motors, Engineer Asif Uddin, General Manager and Dr. F. H. Ansarey, Executive Director, ACI Agribusiness were present at the signing programme at ACI Centre in the capital.


ACI Crop Care conclave ends
A two-daylong conclave of ACI Crop Care 2016 concluded at Long Beach Hotel in Cox’s Bazar.
ACI Brings Sonalika Tractor
Dr. F. H. Ansarey, Executive Director, Subrata Ranjan Das, Business Director, Azam Ali, General Manager, ACI Motors Limited, and Gaurav Saxena, President, International Business, Gurmeet Dang, General Manager, International Business and Sunil Sondhi, Assistant General Manager, International Business, International Tractors Limited, India seen at a press conference in Dhaka on Monday.


US Ambassador Visit at Kushtia

US Ambassador “ Dan Mozena” was present in ACI Reaper Demonstration Program at Kustia on 15th May 2014. Mr. Dan Mozena also tried to operate our ACI Reaper at field.

Training & Demonstration program for Agricultural Machineries at BARI, Gazipur

ACI Motors had successfully organized a Training and Demonstration Program for Farm Machinery Technology Development & Dissemination Project on 03 November 2013 at BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute) Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Dr. Aiyub Hossain CSO BARI, Dr. Nurul Amin CSO BARI, Mr. Arshad SSO BARI and others officers & Operators of agri machineries participated in the training & demonstration program.


Launching Program of Daedong Products

ACI Motors introduced "Combine Harvester" and "Rice Transplanter" modern farming machineries by South Korea based Daedong to local market recently. The products was launched at an inaugural function atACI Center in the city on Wednesday, said a press release. Dr. Wais Kabir, executive chairman of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), formally inaugurated the product.

Launching Program of Sonalika Tractor

ACI launched Sonalika Tractor at a programme at its head office ACI Centre at Tejgaon Industrial Area in Dhaka recently.

Pinak R Chakravarty, Indian high commissioner to Bangladesh, attended the launching ceremony as chief guest and Nurul Alam, Executive chairman of the BARC was special guest said a press release. ACI group chairman M Anis Ud Dowla, ACI Ltd's managing director Arif Dowla, executive director FH Ansary, vice-president of