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3 Innovative Fertilizer Products to be launched
ACI Fertilizer is going to launch three new and innovative products in the market. Osmocote NPK (Slow Release Fertilizer): This month ACI Fertilizer is going to introduce Osmocorp NPK Slow Release Fertilizer in the market.


Power Tiller Exchange made Easy by ACI Motors
First started in October 2019 with a fair at Gopalganj, the exchange offer enabled customers to bring their old power tillers and get a better value while exchanging it with a brand new ACI Power Tiller.
ACI chairman wins Bangabandhu agriculture award
ACI Group Chairman M Anis Ud Dowla, has been awarded "Bangabandhu Jatiyo Krishi Puroshkar-1424" at Osmani Memorial Auditorium in Dhaka recently.


ACI and Bayer Jointly launched 100th ‘Better Life Farming’ Centre in Bangladesh
With an objective to provide holistic and innovative solutions for smallholder farmers in developing economies, Bayer, International Finance Corporation (IFC, a member of the World Bank Group) and Netafim launched the ‘Better Life Farming’ (BLF) alliance in 2018.
'FruitCo Langra Mango' is here !!
ACI Krishi Bazar brought ” Fruitco Langra Mango” this time for you straight from the orchard.


পুলিশকে ফোটন অ্যাম্বুল্যান্স দিল এসিআই মোটরস
দেশের করোনা মহামারিতে রোগী ব্যবস্থাপনায় সহযোগিতার অংশ হিসেবে ঢাকা মেট্রোপলিটন পুলিশকে (ডিএমপি) ফোটন ব্র্যান্ডের অ্যাম্বুল্যান্স প্রদান করল এসিআই মোটরস।
করোনা মোকাবিলায় অ্যাম্বুলেন্স দিল এসিআই মটরস
দেশের করোনা মহামারীতে রোগী ব্যবস্থাপনায় সহযোগিতার অংশ হিসেবে বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব মেডিক্যাল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়কে (বিএসএমএমইউ) ফোটন ব্রান্ডের অ্যাম্বুলেন্স দিল এসিআই মটরস


ACI Motors introduces ENI lubricants
ACI Motors Ltd. has introduced globally renowned ENI Lubricants in Bangladesh to support the growing automotive and manufacturing sectors, says a statement.
ACI Fertilizer: Farmers Meeting held at Modhupur, Tangail
ACI Fertilizer arranged a Farmer’s Training Program at Hagurakuri, Modhupur, Tangail. About 50 commercial large farmers attended the program.


ACI Seed: Reach to Remote through Easy Bike Branding
Farmers of remote areas are getting direct information about Hybrid Rice Seed Arize Dhani Gold.
Special Campaign Program on Bitter Gourd Variety – Palee Plus
Palee Plus is a very prominent variety of Bitter Gourd of East West Seed. It is an international variety of East West Seed. ACI Seed is giving a special focus on the variety considering the market potentiality.


Menstrual Hygiene Day Campaign of Freedom partnered with Prothom Alo
Menstrual Hygiene Day Campaign of Freedom partnered with Prothom Alo