Our News
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Aurora Shrimp from ACI Agrolink
ACI Agrolink is going to introduce Aurora Shrimp to ensure the highest quality through timely processing with the help of its state-of-the-art technology. The shrimp processing plant for Aurora is at the heart of the shrimp farming hub of the country allowing Aurora to process shrimp within an hour of harvest; ensuring the best quality black tiger shrimp in the world.


ACI Foods Ltd. introduces musical reality show “ACI Xtra FUN Cake Channel i Ganer Raja”
ACI Foods Ltd. is proud to introduce for the first time in the history of Bangladesh a nationwide festive themed musical reality show for the kids. The reality show titled “ACI Xtra FUN Cake Channel i Ganer Raja”- powered by ACI Pure Spices; is open for kids aged 6-13 years.
Agreement signed between Foton Motor Group & ACI Motors
ACI Motors is the country’s largest distributor of agricultural machineries and equipments. Beside, ACI Motors deals with heavy construction equipments and YAMAHA Motorcycles.


ACI brings new soap brand for customers
The opportunity came to him 32 years after he began his career in 1960. The Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) had decided to divest its shareholding to local management in 1992 and M Anis Ud Dowla grabbed the opportunity without thinking twice.
A man of ethics and passion
The opportunity came to him 32 years after he began his career in 1960. The Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) had decided to divest its shareholding to local management in 1992 and M Anis Ud Dowla grabbed the opportunity without thinking twice.


PVS Trails of Hybrid Maize by Smallholder Farmers
ACI Seed’s R&D, PDS and Product Portfolio team jointly conducted preliminary yield trials of 50 exotic hybrid maize varieties of 6 foreign principal companies in the last rabi2017-18 and kharif-I 2018 season. Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) trials were conducted to validate and include new exotic hybrid maize varieties into the seed-production stream by farmers.
Fruit Fair in Rajshahi
A fruit fair has recently taken place in GodagariUpazilla of Rajshahi District from 19th to 21st July 2018. The fair was organized by Godagari Department of Agriculture Extension and local MP Omar Faruk Chowdhury was present as the chief guest in the fair. ACI Fertilizer along with ACI Motors participated in this fair. There were variety of fruit trees displayed in the fair. A good number of local traders and farmers visited this three day long f


'Feroza Begum Memorial Gold Medal 2018' awarded to Runa Laila
Born into an aristocratic family, Feroza Begum was the daughter of Mohammad Ismail and Begum Kowkabunnesa, who took a liking to music quite early on. Being a prolific singer, she covered a wide range of genres including Islamic songs, Ghazals, Bhajans, contemporary and Nazrul Sangeet. As an apprentice of Kazi Nazrul Islam, she later focused exclusively on the legendary maestro's music and garnered appreciation from her mentor as well as listene
Accolade for business icons
Two companies and two individuals were honoured yesterday at the 17th edition of the Bangladesh Business Awards for their extraordinary success and contribution to the economy.


Technical Training for ACI Seed Field Force
On 22 July 2018, ACI Seed and Advanta jointly organized a technical training for the field force of ACI Seed. The aim of the training was to strengthen the product knowledge and technical know-how of the Sales Officers, Marketing Officers, Area Sales Managers, Regional Sales Managers and the Product Management team.
জাতীয় মহিলা ক্রিকেট দলের জাহানারা আলম কে ইয়ামাহা’র সম্মাননা প্রদান
এসিআই মটরস্ লি: বাংলাদেশে ইয়ামাহা মটর সাইকেল এবং এর খুচরা যন্ত্রাংশের একমাত্র ডিস্ট্রিবিউটর। এসিআই লিমিটেডের একটি সহায়ক প্রতিষ্ঠান এসিআই মটরস্। বর্তমানে সারাদেশে এসি


ACI Fertilizer Participated in National Tree Fair
The Annual Tree Fair or BrikkhoMela has started on 18th July 2018 at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka. Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasinainaugurated the national tree fair. This tree fair is the ultimate destination for tree and nature enthusiasts. The main attraction of the fair is essentially the huge variety of trees, tiny or big. Many of the plants were suitable for roof top gardening that only require some free space, average to large size d