Research & Development

Plastic-eating bacteria help the environment
Plastic pollution has become a serious environmental concern in recent years as a result of the fast manufacture of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), a single-use plastic. It is prevalent in Asian and African countries due to ineffective garbage pickup methods.
At the Heart of Precision Farming: GPS Tech
Global Positioning System or GPS is a vital component of today’s Precision Farming. GPS enables farmers to fill the yield gap across the farmlands by effectively using data for yield mapping and field planning. With accurate navigation using GPS, farmers can collect location-specific soil samples and monitor crop conditions over a longer period of time. Through soil data analysis and correlating it with crop conditions, farmers can now plan for f

RNAi as a Foliar Spray for Gene Silencing
RNA interference (RNAi) is a useful technology that is being used more frequently to protect crops against viruses, fungi, and insect pests. A non-transgenic technique that depends on spray application of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) to induce RNAi is called spray-induced gene silencing (SIGS).
Prospects of Gene Therapy for Major Diseases Treatment
Gene therapy is a method for curing disease by changing a person's DNA. Gene therapies can function in a variety of ways: Replacing a disease-causing gene with a healthy copy of the gene, inactivating a disease-causing gene that is not functioning properly.

Bangladesh Needs Productive Beef Breed Cattle
The price for beef in Bangladesh is one of the highest in South Asia. Compared to many countries, the price of beef is significantly high. The restriction of illegal trade of cattle from nearby countries enabled our farmers to achieve self-sufficiency in beef production. However, price of beef seems ever-increasing in the country.
Prospects of edible vaccines from potato
Edible vaccines are less expensive, easily administrable, storable, and are widely accepted as bio-friendly, particularly in developing countries. Oral administration of edible vaccines appears to be a promising agent for reducing the incidence of various diseases such as hepatitis and diarrhea, where vaccine preservation and management problem.