Research & Development
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GM Crops differing from the Conventional Breeding
The goal of GM and conventional plant breeding is to produce crops with improved characteristics by changing their genetic makeup. GM achieves this by adding a new gene or genes to the genome of a crop plant.
Quality Feed for Better FCR and Productivity in Poultry
Poultry farming has created employment opportunities for farmers in our country but optimizing feed efficiency is crucial to maintain farm profitability, especially in the current volatile and competitive market.
Improving the FCR for Profitable Broiler Farming
Poultry meat is the cheapest source of protein globally, including Bangladesh. It is reported that only 7% of broiler birds are reared in an integrated system by large private farms in our country.
Impact of Spraying Foliar Fertilizer on Crop Productivity
Foliar fertilization of crops offers specific advantages over soil-applied fertilizers because the nutrients applied are taken-up directly by their target organs like leaf, stem, flower, and fruit. Moreover, soil nutrients are not always completely available.
Molecular Farming: A Technique to make Plants into Factory
Molecular farming (also known as bio-pharming) is characterized as the production of proteins or other metabolites that are extremely important as medicine or to industry.
Combating Flood: Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) Accentuates Alternative Seedbeds to Recoup Losses
Recent flood has made life challenging in different affected communities of the country. Regular farming is also hindered. It has become problematic to prepare traditional seedbeds