Research & Development
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Marker Assisted Selection: An Intervention of Modern Science
The development of DNA (or molecular) markers has irreversibly changed the disciplines of plant genetics and plant breeding. While there are several applications of DNA markers in the case of breeding, the most promising for cultivar development is called marker assisted selection (MAS).
Agro-Processing: Embracing the Next Export Frontier with Bonded Warehouse Facility
Bonded Warehousing is a facility that has been provided exclusively to the export-oriented industries by the National Board of Revenue (NBR). These specialized warehouses facilitate the import of inputs or raw materials as well as packaging items without paying any duty or taxes for a wide range of industries.
Post-Harvest Capacity Building in Bangladesh: The Way Forward
We need to build post-harvest capacity to reduce the losses of our farmers. For that, we need to promote efficient harvesting techniques, storage, and transportation facilities. With enhanced post-harvest capacity, farmers will be better positioned for bargaining a fair price and increase their incomes. This will help intermediaries and other stakeholders as well. For example, we can have a storage marketplace or cold chain marketplace from where
Restriction Enzyme Digestion: Capabilities and Resources
Special enzymes termed restriction enzymes have been discovered in many different bacteria and other single-celled organisms. These restriction enzymes can scan along a length of DNA looking for a particular sequence of bases that they recognize.
Effect of Cold Storage Conditions on Properties of Potato Tubers
Post-harvest processing is important for making potatoes available for a longer period in the market and keeping the losses at a minimum. Different factors are responsible for affecting the storage of potatoes in storehouses. Potatoes should be stored at different temperatures according to their intended purposes.
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Economic realities, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, have forced many people to return to the rural communities from our cities as well as from abroad. The problems associated with this ‘reverse migration’ can be turned into opportunities if we can engage these people in local economic activities quickly. The development of agricultural entrepreneurs can be the most feasible solution here. In line with the government’s goal for employment cr