

A Community Based business unit of ACI Formulations Limited

“On Call Crop Protection Service”

FlowMaster is aimed at saving crops from different pests


FlowMaster is a community based business unit of ACI Formulations PLC based upon the idea of “on call crop protection service”. Here ACI facilitates the technicalities and necessary investments, while the selected service providers from the community invests their man-hour to sell the service to the farms of their community.


Pest attack is one of the major risk factors to farmers of Bangladesh, while its tropical climate and its changing nature are worsening the situation.

Saving their crops farmers became so desperate in applying crop protection solutions (aka pesticides) that they almost put the procedures of personal safety, environmental compliance and even correct dose aside. Moreover lack of awareness, willingness, initiative from private and public sector are adding further burden to the problem.

Serviceman are being trained by ACI’s expert professional

A Serviceman is taking preparation

A Serviceman providing application service

Properly the disposing pesticide package is very important

A happy customer

The Service at a Glance

FlowMaster is aimed at saving crops from different pests through effective and responsible application of pesticides. At the same time it ensures that no fish from the nearby water body, no animal, no bird and no human being is harmed by the application. Enjoying the full support and collaboration of ACI; the service men serves their customer with best product to be applied with latest technology equipment, following the utmost compliance.

Progress So far
100 Service Men Trained in 4 districts
1,000 Farmers were served and counting
BDT 400,000 were earned by the servicemen
Who Does What
ACI Servicemen Customer
Developed International Standard Spray Service Manual Receives training from ACI Chooses the right package
Selects and Trains the Servicemen according to that Communicating service offers to the customers Receives the service
Supplies the Spraying equipment Order collection Pays for the service
Supplies Protective Gear to the servicemen Provide the service Receives after sales service and provides feedback to ACI and the servicemen
Provides all kind of technical support to the Servicemen Receiving customer feedback  
Follow up and monitoring the performance of Servicemen Revenue collection