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PPP Breeding Is The Future For Rice

ACI, as the first private sector organization, started rice research in 2006. ACI has made MoU with Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) and Rajshahi University (Rajshahi Bishawbiddaloy = Rabi) in a PPP mode to enter into a variety release system for ACI products. As a result, an outstanding product of ACI (IR 91820-25-BAY2-3-1) has been released by BAU named BAU dhan3. Similarly, the 2nd product of ACI (IR78581-12-3-2-2) has been released by Rabi called Rabi dhan1.

The genetic row of BAU dhan3 rice variety (IR 91820-25-BAY2-3-1) was collected during 2015-16 from IRRI (Philippines) through our Public Private Partnership (PPP). Later, ACI and the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) jointly developed it for Boro season. The variety has a life span of 140-145 days. Moreover, it has stronger stem, better yield and taste compared to the popular variety BRRI dhan28.

For the development of Rabi dhan1, genetic row (IR78581-12-3-2-2) was collected from IRRI (Philippines). ACI along with the Agronomy and Agricultural Extension Department of Rajshahi University (RU) developed the variety for T. Aman season. Compared to the widely grown BRRI dhan49 rice, it has a shorter life span of about 130 days which gives our farmers an advantage for early harvest. With longer and cylindrical rice grains, the variety contains resistant genes for different diseases such as xa5 for BLB and Pita, Pita-2 for Blast diseases.

Both BAU dhan3 and Rabi dhan1 contained >130 grains per panicle when the standard variety BRRI dhan28 showed <100 grains per panicle that complemented to 1.0 ton/ha yield advantage.

ACI and its partners like IRRI, USAID, BAU, and RU are working together for improving the lives of our rice farmers through better rice varieties and agricultural technologies. ACI’s commitment for a strong rice breeding program is aimed at creating wealth for farmers. Thus, collaborative partnership between public and private sector for germplasm exchange, expertise sharing, laboratory facilities, and developed technology and other resource sharing is to be encouraged for capacity building and ultimately achieving the objectives of sustainable agriculture.

Dr. F H Ansarey
Managing Director & CEO
ACI Agribusiness

Press Release