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Innovative Management Practice for Further Growth in Aquaculture

Maintaining appropriate dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in aquaculture ponds is critical for adequate fish production. Fish farmers must concentrate on maintaining required amounts of dissolved oxygen in the pond which is between 5 and 10 ppm. Fish production in pond aquaculture has been increased more than 10 times during the past 3 decades (1981 to 2017). However, only 25% of the ponds (97,742 Ha) is used for intensive culture (BBS,2021). This clearly indicates that there is still scope to increase production by bringing more areas to intensive culture with genetically improved strains. In aquaculture, each species has evolved to adapt to distinct living circumstances. For example, fishes that live in fast-flowing, oxygen-rich streams require large amounts of oxygen, and a little shift or reduction in dissolved oxygen might result in less amount of fish production. Therefore, technologically led creative assistance is required to maintain appropriate dissolved oxygen levels, better development and provide safe environment for fish farming.

Innovative Solution to the Problem:
To come up with a perfect solution for this problem, Aerators could provide efficiency and sustainability for fish farming. Aerators are various mechanical devices used for aeration, or in another word, mixing air with water substance. However, use of Aerators in intensive aquaculture is crucial for ensuring better survival, optimal dissolved oxygen supply, higher production, and disease free environment. It is estimated that additional 500 kg of fish production can be achieved per kW of aeration. Moreover, It also helps to reduce the overall accumulation of organic sediment on the bottom of the pond. As a result, including Aerator into the management strategy is vital for increasing aquaculture production and development.

Dr. F H Ansarey
Managing Director & CEO
ACI Agribusiness