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Flourishing life through shrimp farming

Agrolink Aurora Shrimp has ascertained Satkhira for the factory as it is one of the major harvesting points in the country and 60% of the total shrimp of the country is harvested here. The quality of the shrimp depends on maintaining a standard time duration from harvesting to processing. Aurora shrimp ensures the quality complying with ACI Standards as it is being processed within the very shortest possible time. Certainly the quality product will increase the export and progressive production and trading will amplify the subsistence of the shrimp farmer.

Bangladesh is one of the major shrimp-producing countries in the world though Shrimp farming in the coastal region of Bangladesh is gathering considerable debate due to its negative environmental and socio-economic consequences which hinder the sustainable development of this blooming sector. Contemplating all these impediments, business structure will be instrumental to improve the stereotype shrimp farming practice as well as developing livelihood of the farmers.
