Bio-Organic Fertilizer: A Revolutionary Technology in Agriculture of Bangladesh

With the usage of Bio-organic fertilizer, a new scope is established in the field of rice production. This new approach can create a positive impact by substituting chemical fertilizer and eventually decreasing the subsidy of the government on chemical fertilizer. Thus, we can also save a remarkable amount of foreign currency. We know that emerging demand for food production made rice cultivation dependent on synthetic fertilizer and augmenting environmental pollution. Research results show that the production of one kg of urea and 1 kg of TSP fertilizer emits about 6kg of CO2 in the air. Moreover, the populations of free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria, phosphate solubilizing bacteria as well as other beneficial bacteria are decreasing due to long term sole application of chemical fertilizers. On the other hand, Bio-organic fertilizer can reduce 30% use of urea and full dose (100%) of TSP. Besides, it will increase soil quality by adding carbon directly to soil as it contains 15% biochar. The new technology also plays an effective role in adding different microorganisms to the soil which are beneficial to the parameters directly related to the crop's growth ultimately resulting in high yield.
The Bio-organic Fertilizer is developed by the scientists of BRRI and ACI Fertilizer is the market linkage partner for commercialization of the technology. ACI Fertilizer is closely working with BRRI to find out effective and more economical doses of this technology for marginal farming. Apart from rice, they are also arranging trials of this technology on Vegetables, Horticulture and Orchard farms. Ultimately Bio-organic Fertilizer minimizes the risk of long-term use of chemical fertilizer and preserves soil health while recycling kitchen and agricultural waste. The increased yield offered by the Bio-organic Fertilizer also increases the profit of the farmers.
Dr. F H Ansarey
ACI Agribusinesses Division