Office Address:
ACI Centre 245, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.
(+8802) 8878603
(+8802) 8878619, 8878626
Socail Media:
Seed industry is the most fundamental part of agriculture. The evolution of this industry towards high yielding variety and maintaining genetic diversity will play a critical role in ensuring sustainable increase in the agricultural output of Bangladesh. Keeping this challenge in mind, ACI started the seed business in 1998. In many products ACI Seed is the market leader and enjoying a considerable amount of market share. Our seeds have gained wide acceptance by farmers for their quality and yield. This has created a positive brand image and a foundation of trust on which we can expand the business. We have our own research and development stations in Rural Development Academy, Bogra, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Gazipur and Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. The ASRBC lab of ACI Seed is working relentlessly for innovating the new and resistant products for the farmers. ACI seed partnered with a lot of development organizations like USAID,IRRI,Katalyst, IFC and many others to improve the life of the people through implying effective business policy in the market. We are also partnered with many international seed companies and distributing one of the best quality seed in the market through our strong supply chain and SPC supports. Our plan is to grow this business through proper communication of agricultural practices and ensure appropriate use of hybrid seeds. We are focusing on more research and development for ensuring quality products by Biotechnology. We are using Blotter, PCR, TZ etc test for the supply of agricultural outputs in the country.
Our R&D team is working relentlessly for innovating the new and resistant products for the farmers.
Focusing on more Research and Development.
Partnered with many International Seed Companies


Office Address:
ACI Centre 245, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.
(+8802) 8878603
(+8802) 8878619, 8878626
Socail Media: