Office Address:
ACI Centre 245, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.
(+88-02) 55068511-14
(+8802) 8878619, 8878626
ACI Salt Limited was incorporated as a private limited company on June 13, 2004 under the Companies Act,
1994. The objectives of the Company is to provide 100% edible salt for human consumption by using modern
vacuum evaporation process technology. For last many years the company has been serving the country with
premium grade edible salt with impeccable reputation with 100% purity.
With alliance of ACI’s mission, to improve the quality life of people, ACI Salt Ltd. is always looking
forward for the scope to serve the nation. The salt industry of Bangladesh has always been in a primitive
position offering the consumers low quality edible salt with sand, dirt particle & adulterants that they
use in everyday use. And the consumers were not differentiating much among the brands available to choose
this essential nutrient of everyday life. This all started to change in 2005 as ACI Limited, one of the
leading conglomerates of the country, decided to offer the consumers a finest quality edible salt
equivalent to any international brand.
ACI Pure Salt continued to receive the award of Best Brand when Salt was made a separate category in 2011,
2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

Next to water, salt is the most essential item in human diet.
As a product point of view of ACI Salt Ltd., this essential item must provide the consumer a constant
feeling of healthy, nutritious & premium quality. Following that point of view, ACI Pure Salt is processed
through fully automatic machine of vacuum evaporated technology, clearly distinctive quality of 100% pure,
Free Flow, Crystal White & Perfectly Iodized, packed in attractive food-grade flexible packages; that
helps to ensure brilliant future generation. This perfect mixture of iodine in salt is also very important
as it is the most cost effective way of preventing IDD like Goitre, Mental Retardation, and Stunted Growth
State of Art Salt Factory

ACI Salt factory is currently the largest factory in Vacuum
Salt industry of
Bangladesh with highest production capacity. ACI Pure Salt is processed through the true Cutting Edge
Technology of Switzerland, the most modern vacuum evaporation system which ensures 100% pure, crystal
white, properly iodized and free flowing edible salt. Its high quality food grade, multilayer laminated
packaging ensures the iodine contents to remain active for longer period and at the same time protects
the salt from moisture or any impurities..

ACI Pure Salt has received the global recognition for its excellent
packaging design through the book, "Pack Your Life" volume 3. This book is published with all the top
ranking packet design from all over the world.

ACI Pure Salt has received the global recognition for its excellent
packaging design through the book, "Pack Your Life" volume 3. This book is published with all the top
ranking packet design from all over the world.
Office Address:
ACI Centre 245, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.
(+88-02) 55068511-14
(+8802) 8878619, 8878626