Sanitary Napkin & Diaper Unit
Office Address:
Nil Nagar, Konabari, Gazipur
(+88) 0173 0007780
ACI Limited has its own sanitary napkin and diaper factory in Nilnagar, Konabari, Gazipur having
production capacity of 260,000 units per day. It encompasses a land area of 3.3 acres with 72,136 square
feet area covered by building. 215 skilled persons are involved in the plant to produce world class
quality products. The plant is well designed and well equipped with all latest machineries operated with
European technologies.
The factory has 5 active production line where modern sanitary napkin & baby diaper are being produced
maintaining world class quality through GMP & BSTI regulatory.
Inside Plant:
Office Address:
Nil Nagar, Konabari, Gazipur
(+88) 0173 0007780