43rd Annual General Meeting 2015-16 of ACI Limited

Photo Caption: From left Ms. Sheema Abed Rahman, Director, Mr. Juned Ahmed Choudhury, Director, Ms. Shusmita Anis, Director, Mr. M Anis Ud Dowla, Chairman, Dr. Arif Dowla, Managing Director, Mr. Md. Iftikhar-uz-zaman, Director and Mr. Abdul-Muyeed Chowdhury, Director of ACI Limited.
The 43rd Annual General Meeting of Advanced Chemical Industries Limited was held on Wednesday, 7 December 2016 at 11:00 am at Officers Club, 26 Baily Road, Dhaka. Mr. M. Anis Ud Dowla, Chairman of the Company, presided over the meeting.
The shareowners approved 125% divided which include 115% cash and 10% stock for the mentioned period.
The Director's Report as well as the Financial Statements of the Company for the period of eighteen-month ended on 30 June 2016 were received, considered and adopted in the meeting. The shareowners approved 125% divided which include 115% cash and 10% stock for the mentioned period.
Dr. Arif Dowla, Managing Director informed the shareowners that ACI continued its focus on business process efficiency, investment in human capital and improvement of service quality to improve Company’s businesses. Operational efficiency and productivity were enhanced through benchmarking and evaluation as well as setting measurable and relevant performance targets. Working capital management was intensified resulting in improved inventory and credit management. This was accompanied by selective investments with return potential.
He apprised the Shareowners some noteworthy achievements made by the Company during eighteen-month of 2015-2016. He mentioned that, pharmaceutical business has developed a more robust export market. This business also engaged with leading medical and public health research organizations to deliver products that improve hygienic conditions during childbirth. Consumer Brands is working in partnership with world renowned US based FMCG giant SC Johnson. Agribusiness has performed well across all their business units. Agribusiness has built partnership with USAID and IRRI to develop world-class seeds that have great promise. Company’s retail chain Shwapno went through a massive 42% growth spurt. Through these and many more achievements, ACI has been able to deliver high quality sustainable growth.
The Managing Director thanked the partners of ACI, shareowners, suppliers, customers, bankers, media and all other well wishers for their support and patronage to bring ACI to this level and wished for their continued support to fulfill ACI’s mission to improve the lives of people.