Societal Development through Educational Programs

ACI's guiding principle in all its operations is to be a 'responsible corporate citizen'. Thus, Social Responsibility is a top priority for every individual at ACI. Our endeavors toward discharging our social responsibilities have become more focused since our adoption of the principles of the Global Compact.
Initiatives that have shown significant contribution to societal development are Continued Medical Education (CME) for medical professionals and Children's Education Programs.
A dedicated team of medical graduates makes up the Medical Services Department (MSD) in ACI, which carries out CME programs termed 'Clinical Meetings' all across Bangladesh. These are essentially non-advertised meets of medical professionals that serve as a training and knowledge-sharing forum, often conducted by experts on the subject. Our partners in development for these programs are doctors, medical associations and/or departments, and various study groups. The level of involvement of ACI in these programs may range from only sponsoring the entire program to providing all types of services and technical support to the presenter to even conducting the program by an MSD doctor. Support from MSD include research support for deliberations at the meet, literature and multimedia presentation for the program, updates on new technology and thoughts in medical fields, and even educational support to any participant in their area of interest.
ACI has also undertaken an English Education program in Faridpur, one of the remotest districts of Bangladesh. This provides support to teach English Language to school going children.
Doctors in Bangladesh who are not living in the metropolitan cities have very limited access to the Internet or any other sources of information. In order to keep them updated on the developments in the medical practices regularly, the CME program has been proven highly effective.
ACI believes that by promoting education of children, we are contributing to societal development by shaping the minds of our future leaders.