Very limited stock!! The famous super-fruit "FruitCo Dragon Fruit" is here !!

“ACI Krishi Bazar” is glad to bring the red, succulent and tasty super fruit called ‘FruitCo Dragon Fruit’.
Dragon Fruit is widely known for its all natural nutrients:
- It’s rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic acid, and betacyanin.
- It can strengthen your immune system.
- It contains prebiotics.
- It may help lower your blood sugar.
- It’s naturally fat-free and high in fiber.
Very Limited Stock !!!
This awesome fruit will come in 6 pcs Box weighs approx. 1700 gm– 1800 gm.
Each box will cost Tk. 800
Size: +/-300 mg approx.
Color: Dark Red/Magenta
Harvesting date: 27 July