SNV signs agreement to support sustainable shrimp in Bangladesh

This week, SNV signed an agreement to support climate resilient sustainable shrimp production in the Ganges Delta, Bangladesh, with local company ACI Agrolink. Through the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development, SNV will be providing ACI Agrolink with technical assistance to develop a business investment proposal on climate resilient black tiger shrimp, as well as a grant of over EUR 214,000.
Developing the black tiger shrimp industry in the Ganges Delta will increase climate change resiliency in this landscape by introducing new farming methods on breeding, ensuring water quality and disease control, developing the capacity of farmers associations and contract farming models, and piloting of a micro finance lending facility to farmers.
ACI Agrolink is seeking to work with 7500 farmers to bring 18,750 hectares of farmland under sustainable management, as well as increase smallholder farmer incomes by 15 percent, create 10,000 jobs, and indirectly benefit 30,000 people in the Ganges Delta.
Attendees of the signing were: Dr Ansarey – Managing Director and CEO ACI Agribusinesses; Andre de Jager – SNV Managing Director of Sectors; Ismene Stalpers – Country Director SNV Bangladesh; Aart Mulder – FMO DFCD Project Manager; Bas Blaauw - First Secretary Economic Affairs & RMG Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Bangladesh; and Albert Bokkestijn, SNV DFCD Project Manager.
About the DFCD
The DFCD is a 160 million euro climate and development fund sponsored by the Dutch government to implement climate change adaptation projects in emerging Asia and Africa countries.
The Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank (FMO) leads the fund together with Climate Fund Manager (CFM), World Wide Fund for Nature Netherlands (WWF-NL) and SNV.
For more information, please visit the DFCD website.
About ACI Agrolink
ACI Agrolink Limited is a subsidiary of ACI Limited (1973), one of the leading conglomerates in Bangladesh having a strong presence in Agribusiness (Agriculture, Aquaculture, & Livestock), Pharmaceuticals, FMCG and retail sector. ACI Agrolink Limited aims to establish forward and backward linkage for farmers and agro value addition industries. ACI Agrolink Limited is positioning the business through penetrating an integrated safe food category and tapping into global trade operations that promote an efficient distribution channel for safe and healthy food for the consumers of Bangladesh.