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Shwapno launches “Shuddho” as safe & pure brand

In our country most of the farmers do not maintain the Pre Harvest Interval (PHI) before applying medicine/chemical to their plants and harvesting. Most of the time, farmers are not even aware of what they are doing by not maintaining PHI. General consumers do not know how they are getting poisoned every day.

Moreover, most of the times farmers do not get right price for their products due to the intervention of the middleman in the process. A small step can save them and the millions of life who are in risk to get affected by the chemical remain in the vegetables. Farmers’ awareness and precaution would play the vital role to restrain chemical-free vegetables across the country.

To address the issues Shwapno has taken an initiative to train-up 200 farmers in southern belt of the country with best agricultural practices, implement appropriate system in farming process and produce safe food. At the same time due to directly purchase the vegetables and crops by Shwapno, the farmers are having gainer in terms of financial benefit.

These farmers have started in providing their products in Shwapno. Shawpno has packaged these vegetables and crops through a brand name “Shuddho” which has launched today in a program held 08 April 2018 in A.S. Mahmud Hall, Daily Star Centre. Executive director of ACI Logistics Ltd. Mr. Sabbir Hasan Nasir has formally launched “Shuddho”

Press Release