Savlon offers Covid-19 decontamination, consultancy service

Liquid antiseptic brand Savlon yesterday announced launching a "Savlon Shurokkha" service for institutions, including educational ones, and businesses to cope with Covid-19 realities and reopen through measures for a return to normalcy.
Under the service, a skilled team, including virologists and microbiologists, will conduct risk assessment inspections at the establishment seeking the service and provide consultancy, health and hygiene related training, decontamination and certification to ensure long-term protection.
Launched through a press conference at ACI Center, the service can be availed through hotline 16509 and Facebook pages Savlon Shurokkha and Savlon Bangladesh.
"With the help of this service, any institution can ensure safety of their employees," said Syed Alamgir, managing director of ACI Consumer Brands, in a press release.
"Closed institutions can resume their regular operations and currently operating institutions can ensure safety for themselves," he said.