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Fruit Fair in Rajshahi

A fruit fair has recently taken place in GodagariUpazilla of Rajshahi District from 19th to 21st July 2018. The fair was organized by Godagari Department of Agriculture Extension and local MP Omar Faruk Chowdhury was present as the chief guest in the fair. ACI Fertilizer along with ACI Motors participated in this fair. There were variety of fruit trees displayed in the fair. A good number of local traders and farmers visited this three day long fair. Area Manager, Marketing Officer and Field Supervisor of Godagari were present in the fruit fair.

ACI Fertilizer enriched their stall with different kind of Fertilizer from the house of ACI. Basically, the Fertilizer team focused on the display of Organic & Ratno NKPS Fertilizer since the visitors were very much interested on these fertilizers. The respective personnel from ACI Fertilizer talked about usefulness of using these fertilizers in fruits cultivation. Some other liquid products for instance: Bioferti, Solubor Boron, NEB, Promoter, etc. were also displayed in the stall. The visitors were very much enthusiastic and expressed their positive feedback on using various Fertilizer products of ACI.

Press Release