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Fertilizer Congress 2017-18

ACI Fertilizer arranged annual sales conference named as “Fertilizer Congress 2017-18.” This is the annual meet up of Fertilizer’s Field Force with the Management team. The conference was held on 14th July 2018 in ACI Centre, Dhaka. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. F H Ansarey, MD & CEO of ACI Agribusinesses. Business Director, Portfolio Managers, Sales Manager, Zonal Sales Managers, Head quarter personnel along with sales team participated in this congress. People from other support departments were also present there.

The conference started with the welcome speech from MD & CEO. Dr. Ansarey congratulated the Fertilizer team for their significant effort towards the business. He expressed his hearty wishes to the team. Business Director of ACI Fertilizer provided various key indications and guideline for the sustainability and growth of the business. Portfolio Managers and Sales Manager also expressed their opinions relating to sales and products.The conference ended with a dinner party followed by cultural program. Three Zonal Managers, Three Area Managers and Three Territory Officers were awarded for their outstanding performance in total sales, portfolio sales and quality business delivery. Various artists performed in the program where sales team participated spontaneously. The Fertilizer Congress ended with a great success and it escalated a positive attitude among the sales team.

Press Release