Ensure safe food in market place by private sector- Dr. Ansarey

Food is the basic need of any living thing. It needs safe food which is considered to be safe if it does not include any dangerous, harmful, or disease-causing substances or germs that could endanger human health.
Bangladesh Academy of Science (BAS) has organized the 5th young scientist Congress 2022 in the National Science & Technology Complex at Agargaon, Dhaka. Dr. F H Ansarey, president of ACI Agribusiness was invited as a guest speaker on ‘Ensuring Safe Food in Market Place by the Private Sector’.
He mentioned in his presentation that the safe food value chain which is consisting of the functions of production, aggregation, processing, and distribution. With investments in expanding agricultural output and ensuring ethical supply chains that benefit producers, various value chain actors, and consumers, the private sector greatly contributes to ensuring the availability of food.
The private sector contributes significantly to the food market in the areas of agricultural production management practices that ensure quality input; post-harvest management that ensures technological innovation; processing that ensures food safety compliance; distribution that ensures easy access to food, as well as export.
Although there is room for improvement of safe food production and availability in the marketplace in terms of technological innovation, quality and diversity in Agri input supply, farming with appropriate production practices, post-harvest loss reduction, proper storage and cool chain management, hygiene management and consumer education.
Along with the private sector, the government may do more to education, awareness, and monitoring in order to enforce laws and regulations and guarantee the availability of safe food on the market.
ACI Agribusiness is the largest integrator in agriculture sector with its several subunits like Seed, Fertilizer, crop protection, Agri-Machinery, Animal Health, Animal Genetics, flexible packaging, Shwapno retail chain having a glorified presence to ensure safe food in Bangladesh.