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Comilla constable who rescued crash victims awarded

The traffic constable who became a social media hit for saving passengers from a drowning bus has been awarded for bravery and humanitarian aid.

Inspector General of Police AKM Shahidul Hoque handed over a crest and Tk 1 lakh at police headquarters in Dhaka today, said a press release of the police.

ACI motors handed him the keys of a 125cc motorcycle for his honourary contribution.

Constable Parvez was on duty on Dhaka-Chittagong highway in Comilla’s Gouripur crossing on July 7, when a bus skidded off the road and fell into a roadside water body.

He jumped into aid, breaking the window panes of the bus and eventually rescuing 26 passengers, including women and children, who were stuck under the drowning vehicle.

Addressing the ceremony, IGP Hoque said Parvez is an example of what police work should be – for the welfare of the people. He hoped, Parvez’s effort and bravery would inspire other policemen.

Press Release