Collaboration between Swiss Contact and Freedom Sanitary Napkin to help underprivileged women and children

Freedom Sanitary Napkin has signed MoU with Swiss Contact under the project B-Skillful with the aim to provide menstrual hygiene knowledge among female workers who work in various sectors of the industry. These women will work as female trainees who will be passing on the knowledge to all the other women working with her. Freedom Sanitary Napkin provided the first training session at UCEP - Gazipur technical school, one of the training centers of the project, last Thursday.
Good hygiene practices of using sanitary napkins not only reduces the malpractices around menstruation but also prevent severe health crises. Menstrual hygiene is vital to the health, well-being, dignity, empowerment, mobility and productivity for women. Affordable sanitary napkins will be made accessible by Freedom to women who are participating in technical and vocational training programs. This intervention aims to reduce the rate of absenteeism as well as promote appropriate hygienic management of menstruation among female trainees.