Bitter Gourd Field Day held at Chandina, Cumilla

On 2 April 2022, ACI Seed arranged a Field Day Program on Palee Plus, a leading variety of bitter gourd of East-West Seed dated under M/S Sonali Beej Vander at Madhaiya, Chandina, Cumilla. ACI Seed is giving a special focus on the variety considering the market potentiality. Palee Plus is a long segment variety of Bitter Gourd. The average fruit weight of the variety is 250-300 gm and the average yield is 14-15 MT/Acre. The fruit color is shiny dark green and the fruit length is 25-30 cm. Palee Plus is a year-round variety and the specialty of the variety is about 90% of fruits are same in weight, size, shape and color. To promote the product, ACI Seed is campaigning in the market with the support of East West Seed Bangladesh Limited.
The Seed Team of Cumilla Area arranged the field day program to showcase the performance of the variety to the retailers, farmers and DAE officials. Mr. Yusuf Alam, Asst. Marketing Manager; Mr. Shohag Hossain, Area Sales Executive; Mr. Hamidul Haque, Marketing Officer of ACI Seed; Mr. Mamunur Rahman, Market Development Officer, East West Seed were present in the program. More than 100 farmers and retailers participated in the field day. The Officers discussed the characteristics and performance of the variety. Md. Bashar cultivated Palee Plus in 40 decimal land this year and already harvested 2348 Kg in 6 times. He is expecting to harvest 6 times more from the land.