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Balanced Fertilization promo at Agri Fair in Sreemangal

ACI Fertilizer promoted balanced fertilization through its different products at an agriculture fair held at Sreemangal Upazila of Moulvibazar District on 16 September 2018. The fair was organized by Sreemongal’s Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE). Local M.P Allhaj Dr. Abdus Sahid inaugurated the fair. There was a variety of fruit trees displayed. From ACI Fertilizer, Executive, Plantation and Field Supervisor were present in the fair. A good number of local traders and farmers visited the fair. ACI Fertilizer team focused on the display of Organic Fertilizer, Ratno NKPS Fertilizer, NEB, Bioferti, Vitamix and Quick Potash to promote balanced fertilization.

Press Release