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ACI sets up modern rice mill at Mohadevpur

With a daily capacity of 288 tonnes, the country’s leading consumer brands company, ACI Foods Limited built a state-of-the-art rice mill at Mohadevpur in Naogaon recently.

The internationally renowned Swiss-based Institution Buhler supported ACI Foods Limited in setting up the modern factory, along with other technological support, said a press release.

Imran Uddin, Country Manager of Buhler and other high officials handed over the project to ACI. Syed Alamgir, Executive Director of ACI Consumer Brands, Anup Kumar Saha, Business Director, Abanti Kubar Sarkar, G.M., Institution Sales and Rahat Ali Patwary, Sales Manager were present on the occasion.

The company hopes the ACI Pure Rice will be very popular and become No. 1 brand in its category.

Press Release