ACI Seed: Annual Sales conference 2019-20

“Profitable Sales, Quality Business” considering the motto, ACI Seed held the Annual Sales Conference 2019-20. The conference was held on 4 August 2019 at ACI Center, Dhaka. Dr. F H Ansarey, Managing Director and CEO of ACI Agribusiness, graced the occasion with his presence. Sales team became inspired by his kind guideline and futuristic business direction. ED Motors; Director of other Businesses had made the event more fruitful with their kind presence and inspirational speeches. Chief Rice Consultant and Principle Scientific Officer presented the research outputs and products in the pipeline for the upcoming season.
Sales team became more inspired with the business direction from Business Director, Seed; GM, Marketing and Sales; Sales manager and from the portfolio presentation. The conference made them motivated to achieve the target for the year 2019-20. A special award-giving ceremony was held to recognize the 15 outstanding performers for the year 2018-19. The annual sales conference successfully concluded with dinner and cultural events.