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ACI Motors Pre Seasonal Meet 2018

Like Every year, ACI Motors arranged a Pre-seasonal Meeting with the Field Team on 3 and 4 October 2018 at ACI Center, Dhaka. 320 Members of ACI Motors Head Office and Field Team participated in the meeting. The top-level management and marketing team had provided guidelines for upcoming sales season for both the hire purchase Business and Dealership Business Team. The strategic orientation was provided in this meeting so that the field team can achieve their target and seasonal sales budget. This Pre-seasonal Meeting plays a very vital role to take preparation for up Coming sales Season for both the hire purchase Business and Dealership Business Team. The first day of the meeting started in a fun-filled way as the field team members had special lunch and shopping at Bashundhara City Shopping Complex. On the next day, they took part in the day-long meet program. At the end of the meeting, a cultural show was arranged which was followed by a grand dinner for the participants from both the hire purchase Business and Dealership Business Teams.

Press Release