ACI Fertilizer participated in BB-BARI Seaweed Promo

ACI Fertilizer participated in a day-long event organized by Bangladesh Bank in collaboration with Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) to popularize seaweeds production and utilization in Bangladesh. The event was inaugurated by Mr. S. M. Moniruzzaman, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank on 29 February 2020 in Cox's Bazar. The event included a seminar with fair at Hotel Sea Palace and a field day at Nuniarchara, Moheshkhali Channel. The fair showcased progress in research and demonstrated methods to introduce seaweeds in our food system. ACI fertilizer showcased two of its seaweed-based products - Bio-Ferti and Humister WG in the fair. Seaweed producers and potential customers also gained knowledge about other ACI fertilizer products at the fair.
Seaweed farming is popular in many south-east Asian countries. However, the seaweed industry in Bangladesh is at its initial stage. Bangladesh has a coastline of 480 KM and 25,000 square KM of coastal area with a huge population, supporting a variety of land-use practices. This coastal area with sandy and muddy beaches, bays and mangrove wetlands can provide suitable substrate and habitats for various seaweeds cultivation. Bangladesh is rich with 133 species of seaweed at this moment and 8 of them are commercially viable. Apart from its use as food, seaweed has immense medicinal values with export potentials. Seaweed is also used as a key ingredient for hydrocolloids, animal feed, fertilizer, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics industries.