ACI Fertilizer Bringing New Technology ALLCOR & Harvest Plus
ACI Fertilizer got the registration of two new products ALLCOR and Harvest Plus in January 2023. This product is used as a foliar spray for vegetables and fruits. ALLCOR is a highly effective plant growth regulator containing amino acids derived from plant extracts in a highly purified form. Besides, it is fortified with relevant vitamins which are directly absorbed by plants. Vitamins and amino acids raise plant yield by stimulating the Calvin cycle, which also improves photosynthesis and protein synthesis. It acts synergistically with plant metabolism and fulfilling the needs of the plant at the molecular level within the cell. ALLCOR is a premium organic product playing its role as a plant growth stimulator, developed intending to increase growth and yield, and also reduce the application of inorganic fertilizers. ALLCOR is field tested by different agricultural universities & research institutes established in India and other countries.
ALLCOR is free from impurities and heavy metals which marks it safe for the environment. Benefits of Spraying ALLCOR: acts as an Osmotic Agent for the protective cell cytoplasm, which flavors the opening of stomata, increases pollen germination & the length of the pollen tube helps in pollen fertility, stabilizes cell membranes in microbial flora, and improves plant Hydro balance. Moreover, it increases quality of fruits develops more flowers & reduces flower drop, stimulates Photosynthesis and promotes enzymatic activity, improves the formation of vegetable tissue making fruit more nutrient content, makes crops lush green and increases Valine and glutamine content-thereby increasing plant resistance to water and temperature stress.
HARVEST PLUS is an effective plant growth regulator with systemic properties, it contains Ethephon 40% of. It penetrates the plant tissues and is decomposed to ethylene. Which affects the growth processes.
Benefits of Spraying HARVEST PLUS: Inducing flowering and ripening, enlarging fruit size, and increasing yield.