ACI Crop Care wins Agrow Award 2017

ACI Crop Care has received Agrow Award- 2017 in “the best Organization in Agricultural Support and Execution” category. Yesterday, Honorable Managing Director of ACI Formulations Limited, Ms. Shusmita Anis has received this award from the Honorable Minister of Planning Mr. A H M Mustafa Kamal MP.
Agrow Award is a national level prestigious award, patronized by Standard Chartered Bank and Brand Forum. Last year, Ministry of Agriculture’s “Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE)” was the winner in this category.
On this auspicious occasion, ACI Crop Care team conveys its humble gratitude to the employees and colleagues of its ACI Limited, ACI Formulations Limited, DAE, External suppliers, Development Partners, Stockiests, Retailers and most importantly the farmers.