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ACI arranges ‘Bake It Best’ programme

ACI Pure Flour Limited along with High Commission of Canada in Bangladesh and Canadian International Grains Institute (CIGI) arranged a knowledge sharing programme on wheat and wheat products styled ‘Bake It Best’ for the fourth time at ACI Center conference hall in Dhaka recently.

Benoît-Pierre Laramée, High Commissioner of Canada in Bangladesh, inaugurated the programme, said a press release.

Syed Alamgir, Executive Director of ACI Limited, Anup Kumar Saha, Business Director, took part in the inaugural speech.

Moinur Rahman, Business Operations Manager and General Manager Institutional Sales, Abanti Kumar Sarker were present.

The High Commissioner said, "Canada is one of the major wheat exporting countries in the world. In 2015, the joint trading between Canada and Bangladesh was more than 2.4 Billion CAD which is continuously increasing.

Bangladesh is playing a vital role in expanding the bilateral trade of wheat between the countries."

Press Release