Safety, Health and Environment Policy
ACI is committed to conduct all its operations in a manner that is protective of the environment, health and safety of employees, customers and the community. To this end, the company has already obtained ISO 14001 Certification for Environmental Management System. ACI will provide the resources to educate and involve every individual in the Company in achieving this objective. In fulfillment of this commitment, we shall maintain a continuing effort to adhere to the following principles.
We believe that all accidents, incidents and work- related ill health are preventable and with this aim in mind we will manage our businesses. We will deploy adequate resources for the prevention and control of accident.
We will investigate all workplace accidents and illnesses in order to promptly correct any unsafe conditions or practices, and to prevent repetition of these occurrences.
We will fully comply with all the national regulations but in addition will set our own stringent internal corporate standards on matters relating to safety, health and the environment, and endeavour to strictly adhere to them.
We will continue to improve communication and exchange views with employees, employee representatives, customers, contractors, suppliers, neighbours and any other individual or organisation affected by our business.
We will integrate SHE considerations into business planning and decision-making.
We will continue to innovate in order to improve our products and processes so that their effects on safety, health and the environment are reduced.
We will increase shareowners' value through SHE excellence.